A First Appointment For Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

Many people are unfamiliar with Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture. They want to know what to expect when they go to see a Chinese Medicine practitioner for the first time. So I am going to tell you! I write based on my own practice and I’m sure customs vary, depending on your acupuncturist, but this post will give you a good general overview.

Questions in front

When a new patient comes to see me, I ask them to come 10-15 minutes early to fill out paperwork, have eaten something beforehand and, if possible, to wear comfortable clothing (I do have gowns and towels at the office, if needed). Some of the questions included in the initial paperwork include: What is your main complaint? How much caffeine do you consume? What supplements and/or medications are you taking? What is your energy level? How often do you have a bowel movement? Do you prefer foods that are cold or hot? I also have several sections where people can check off specific concerns that apply to them.

Lifestyle and dietary suggestions

Once the paperwork is done we go back to the treatment room and I ask even more questions. I will also look at your tongue and take your pulses (find out more about pulse diagnosis with the link). Then, I usually have some lifestyle and dietary suggestions. For example, one very common suggestion I make (and have written about several times on my blog) is to drink ginger tea because it is simple and very helpful for such a wide variety of problems.

I give each patient a brief explanation of how their complaints are seen through the philosophy of Chinese Medicine. I explain treatment options, for example, acupuncture, herbal supplements and cupping. Almost all of my patients receive acupuncture, and many also enjoy the benefits of cupping and herbs. One general rule is: the longer a problem has been bothering you, the more treatment you will need to diminish it. So, if you’re coming in for a recent sinus infection, a couple of treatments and some herbs should get you feeling better quickly. However, if it is a longstanding pain like sciatica and it has been plaguing you for a year, you may feel relief after the first appointment, but will probably need several treatments to sustain the results.

Needles and laser acupuncture

To those who are new to acupuncture, I explain that while the needle insertion is usually not painful, I do like to get some sensation once the needle is inserted. It feels different to different people and in different spots, but most do not mind it and it makes the treatments more effective. For those who are scared of needles, we offer laser acupuncture.

After ensuring the needles are properly placed and my patient feels comfortable, I play calming music to enhance the atmosphere during the treatment. The needles are typically left in for about 20 minutes, but the duration may vary depending on the patient’s specific needs and the issue being addressed. Throughout the session, I make it a point to check on my patients, re-stimulating the needles as required to maximize the treatment’s effectiveness.

I always stay within earshot, allowing patients to call out to me whenever they need assistance or have concerns. This approach helps create a secure and supportive environment, putting patients at ease during their acupuncture sessions.

The majority of my patients report finding the treatments highly relaxing and beneficial for their well-being. As a result, they eagerly anticipate returning for future sessions. This positive feedback reinforces the importance of creating a comfortable and reassuring atmosphere during acupuncture treatments, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes.

Experiences with acupuncture

Read all acupuncture experiences from Yuk Chi Acupuncture here.

Questions about acupuncture treatments

Do you want to know more about acupuncture treatments? Please contact the acupuncturist by phone at 023 – 888 21 00 or send an email via the contact form.


Acupunctuur vergoed door verzekering

Yuk Chi Acupunctuur Haarlem heeft een AGB zorgverlenerscode en vrijwel de meeste aanvullende zorgverzekeringen vergoeden de behandelingen.

Yuk Chi de Jong – Kan is lid van de Nederlandse Vereniging van Acupunctuur (NVA). Ze is ook lid van de koepelorganisatie KAB. Wij houden ons scherp aan de regels op het gebied van kwaliteit, hygiëne en wetgeving.

Bezoek Yuk Chi Acupunctuur praktijk

De praktijk van Yuk Chi Acupunctuur is gevestigd in Santpoort-Noord. Direct tegen Haarlem aan en tegenover het ziekenhuis Spaarne Gasthuis Haarlem-Noord. Yuk Chi de Jong – Kan is als acupuncturist bekend in onder meer Haarlem, Santpoort, Bloemendaal, Zandvoort, Aerdenhout, Heemstede, Bentveld, Driehuis, IJmuiden, Overveen, Spaarndam, Velsen, Velserbroek, ea.

Acupunctuur Haarlem

Yuk Chi Acpunctuur

Yuk Chi Acupunctuur is een professionele acupunctuurpraktijk met moderne en traditionele acupunctuur.

Traditionele acupunctuur is een techniek uit de Chinese Geneeskunde waarbij zeer dunne naaldjes worden geprikt op het lichaam.

Bij moderne acupunctuur worden geen acupunctuurnaalden gebruikt maar laserlicht (laseracupunctuur).


Yuk Chi Acupunctuur
Dijkzichtlaan 2
2071 EZ

Telefoon 023 – 888 21 00

Neem contact met ons op


maandag 08.30 – 14.00
dinsdag 08.30 – 14.00
woensdag 08.30 – 14.00
donderdag 08.30 – 14.00
vrijdag tm zondag gesloten